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  • 919599708880

  • Kalkaji, New Delhi-110019

Healthcare For The Underprivileged

Our foremost duty is to care for our health, yet the most needy members of society are denied access to basic health care. They are unable to get even the most basic societal services, and as a result, they fall victim to a variety of chronic and acute diseases.

Prisha Foundation has taken the effort to eliminate these inequities.

We discovered the number of people suffering from serious and severe health issues after conducting a survey in rural areas of the community. This is due to hunger and awful slum living conditions. The air they breathe, the water they drink, and even the food they consume are completely contradictory to normal and healthy living conditions.

Our primary emphasis is on meeting the impacted population’s healthcare and nutritional requirements.

We aim to:

  • Serve older adults who are bedridden, or terminally sick.
  • Improve patients’ quality of life by providing support systems that allow them to live as actively as feasible.
  • To keep the patients’ surroundings clean and healthy.
  • To aid the family in overcoming the stress and emotional agony experienced during the patient’s stay, as well as to give therapy.
  • Encourage preventative health, balanced nutrition, and child development practises in low-income communities.


To that end, we have taken a comprehensive approach to embracing, educating, and empowering women and children in their sociocultural settings.